

Realistic because automation is taking over, eliminating paid labor

Realistic because General Intelligence is a subterfuge to exploit the failures of the current system

Realistic because most jobs today help fuel our destructive consumptionism

Realistic because conflicts for natural resources and arms races go hand in hand

Realistic because competition demands neglecting the planet for the sake of profits

Realistic because corporate investors only care about returns.

Realistic because the world debt has reached an unbearable threshold, we're bankrupt


Realistic because it's more profitable to continue the problems allowing corruption to spin out of control

Realistic because global corporate debt is skyrocketing and is now a mega threat

Realistic because money subverts romantic emotions and friendships. Relationships are increasingly artificial

Realistic because corporations would lose profits if they were forced to clean up after themselves

Realistic because value will forever remain subjective, hence value must be enforced by stock market mania

Realistic because money can't buy: Morals, Decency, Respect, Character, Trust, Patience, Wisdom, Honor, Integrity and Love


Realistic because competition encourages the conformity of the masses

Realistic because humans' body parts are now more lucrative than illegal drugs

Realistic because debts fuel inflation and erode purchasing power even further

Realistic because consumerism without planned obsolescence wouldn't work

Realistic because profits demand neglecting human costs

Realistic because, one way or another, the biosphere does not allow to take more out than what one puts in.

Realistic because some will always control the value of the currency, hence freedom cannot be .


Realistic because following the money twists and dictates most social behaviors

Realistic because following the money prevents from going after the too 'big to fail'

Realistic because profits-seeking restricts individual options but encourages Wallstreet collusion

Realistic because the rates of human trafficking and pedophilia are beyond belief, and getting worse

Realistic because The Internet is becoming a cyber prison for the sake of power and money

Realistic because the world debt has enslaved several future generations


Profound changes are taking place worldwide and it's getting more blatant that the current financial framework will not help us restore our 'birthrights'. At some point, we'll have to take action. Instead of 'resisting the system', our best option is to depart from the old model, and to birth a competition-free world so that empathy and compassion can express themselves limitlessly, regardless of any so-called financial backup, because freedom is just priceless!

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Metaphilosophy, Natural Laws, Economics, Self-Improvement, AI and Voluntaryism. Thought Provoking And Some "Harsh Truths That Must Be Told". A new mindset is necessary to initiate the paradigm shift. It is quite a challenge, but we won't give up!

As you may be aware, the internet has become a challenging place. But it's all that we have to spread the word. We also now have an page on Substack.

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In Spring 2025, we'll begin to release specific guided meditations to help visualize the coercion-free World we dream about and promote planetary awareness. Our meditations will be enhanced by binaural beats and other soothing soundscapes. Further, we hope to have enough time on our schedule to feature a different artist each month. Content Creators who share our vision are encouraged to connect with us. Submissions should include a 3 to 5-minute video.

More Soon

The Shape Of Things To Come" is the title of our book that we intend to release in the Fall 2025-Spring 2026. This material will tackle all the pitfalls of the current system which has run its course. We live in a dying world but the old worldviews are about to be replaced with a new thinking mode.
"The Shape Of Things To Come" is also the new name of our podcast, which expounds on today's social paradigm that is self-destructing before our eyes.

More Soon


Bitchute Link
The meaning of security has never been so flimsy. In this four-minute video, we deconstruct the myth of "job security" and explain why we are all a few steps away from losing what we have taken for granted. This is the first part of a series aiming to expose the injustice of hierarchical competition.

Truthful Planet is in favor of an overnight global transition toward competition-free system supported by at least 40% of the world population but that may not be possible as it is a huge political challenge. In which case, the same 40% could take the matter into their own hands and drastically reduce their consumption, taking the lead in degrowing the planetary economy. We recommend the video series about Degrowth. "Degrowth" is today a important trend onto itself. Some scientists do recognize that affluent lifestyles are killing the planet, however. Degrowing the economy until ready for the transition could take up to 10 years though. Both scenarios are acceptable in our view because waiting for the 40% could also take that long. The future will be our guide!.

Restoring Biodiversity, Peace And Abundance On Earth

Truthful Planet is an ambitious and humbling project at once. It is dedicated to jump-starting a trend focusing on the awareness that Humanity and Nature have to be protected by seeking the termination of their monetization. Greed is a mere symptom that many see as a sole and easy explanation, while the core issue is profiting from the Earth giving away unconditionally and free of charge.

When such an immutable nurturing principle is regarded and treated as a market share, its exploitation becomes inevitable and eventually turns into pillage causing environmental destruction and human suffering to increase exponentially. Therefore Truthful Planet intends to reach out to people who have begun to seek answers or realize the impasse we are faced with - or are already in the know.

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$cientism embodies the synthetization of Nature because the latter is not copyrightable and thus less profitable when not patented

We Ran Out Of Blue Pills

Restoring Truthfulness depends on us to fall in love with Life instead of perpetuating the competition model.

What Orwell Really Meant

Restoring Truthfulness depends on us to fall in love with Life instead of perpetuating the competition model.

The End Of Money

Nature has ensured that nobody would take over and that we cannot consume more than we need, to put it very simply: nobody is allowed to take more out than what one puts in