Truthful Planet is an ambitious and humbling project at once. It is dedicated to jump-starting a trend focusing on the awareness that Humanity and Nature must be protected by seeking the termination of their monetization. Greed is a mere symptom that many see as a sole and easy culprit, while the core issue is profiting from the Earth, giving away unconditionally and free of charge. When such an immutable nurturing principle is regarded and treated as a market share, its exploitation becomes inevitable. Eventually, it turns into pillage, causing environmental destruction and human suffering to increase exponentially. Truthful Planet intends to reach out to people who have begun to seek answers or realize the impasse we face - or who are already in the know.

Although data ought to be shared to make sense of what is happening to our planet, pointing out the collusion between culprits has had little to no effect because Earth's Natural Order only recognizes personal responsibility. Only direct action will ensure success! More importantly, Truthful Planet regards knowledge as a tool for boundless discoveries to resolve arising dilemmas and threats generated by the technocratic age. Considering that the meaning of currencies is about to shift in a very disturbing way, it is becoming increasingly vital to understand that humans are today the goods and the data. Data will eventually replace currencies. Social credits will likely define our dataworthiness. Although it is challenging to speculate on what will happen beyond 2030, Voluntaryists should establish strong communities that share their values and leave cities behind.

Knowledge is unstoppable and the mind has to adapt regardless of the challenges ahead. Although our stance doesn't recognize Transhumanism, a competition-free society is inevitable because automation and 'smart anything' is gradually taking over jobs, and society will become cashless. Cashless is not the same as competition-free, but with money being removed from circulation, many more people will find a benevolent model attractive.

Our mission does not align itself with any 'Earth Day' followers, though it has its own metaphilosophical Russellian roots. Walter Russell's most important works are, without a doubt, 'The Universal One', 'Atomic Suicide', and 'The Secret of Light.' As Nikola Tesla's contemporary, he too developed the concept of free energy theoretically.

As long as financial consensuses (or social credit) continue to be regarded as dogmas, Voluntaryism will remain a word making some dream of Utopia. Voluntaryism does not necessarily equate to Anarchism because the latter still may endorse Capitalism. Voluntaryists beg to differ as they deem competition as extremely coercive and the prime cause of social inequality. If some humans are worth more than others, we cannot fix the issues. In 2024, the World Bank contended that 44% of the planet lives on six dollars per day. In America, close to 60% of people live paycheck to paycheck. Obviously, the flaws must be embedded in the premise itself. Today, societal levels of coercion are pretty astounding, but most don't perceive it that way as they totally are conditioned by it.

In 2025, people seem to have begun to awaken to the striking inequalities in many countries but still expect "financial watchdogs" to impose higher taxes on the top 10 percent. That solution will not sail far because if you look closer, it incentivizes the those who have more to seek more loopholes and increase their collusion to influence the political arena. Competition can only lead to conflict escalation. This is the road to Oligarchy and we are almost there. It is not more protection that the public needs because man-made laws have always been biased, but a better grasp of the causes vs. consequences as defined by the Natural Order embedded in the fabric of the planet which is an "intelligent entity".

In a voluntaryist society, trends for sure would exist but they are never presented as competitive nor coercive by any stretch. Most likely, people would spontaneously segregate themselves intellectually or/and spiritually, but that wouldn't have any social consequences as a vast majority would agree on the premise that coercion and disrespect for Life invite chaos. In this sense, Voluntarysim is a philosophical axiom.

Truthful Planet advocates for a Social Blueprint elaborating on a set of guidelines to help make sense of the world's confusion. Why scientific research and psychology have to progress according to specific natural principles to avoid conflicts of interest biasing and harming holistic thinking.

They're forces simultaneously at play that humans cannot alter; therefore, they are described as immutable. There are Seven of them (often referred to as the millennia-old foundation of Hermeticism), which are today scientifically corroborated as they define the forces at play emanating from Electricity. This is how we interpret those ancient texts, as light has dual properties. These principles also reveal 'Thought' as a mechanism depending on electric properties because information circulates between the brain synapses in the form of electricity. All this has been established by science, but we theorized that the link between the Brain and the Universe is very real. This aspect will be expounded on in our ebook. That being said, the Electric Universe Theory is silently reshuffling Physics in a significant way and is heavily documented on the Internet.

The main challenge of a competition-free future thus lies in the ability to accept their pre-existence. Humans didn't create them. Although the latter belong to the realm of physics, they also represent the forces of creation altogether. In a nutshell, such an implication is behind the choice of our slogan is:

The word 'metaphilosophy' is preferred' to distance ourselves from mainstream academia, which hasn't done anything to prevent our unprecedented world crisis. Well, the field must be entirely reassessed, and Academia in its current state may not survive the paradigm shift. Very few outspoken thinkers tackle the core issue, but they remain a minority. However, 'metaphilosophy' merely means beyond philosophy, the philosophy of philosophy. As we can see today, the realistic assessment that any train of thought is not condoning 'Life First, it's Wholeness and Oneness!' is entirely validated by daily planetary aggression on a physical and psychic level.

We live in a world where everything works in reverse because existential values have monetized conflicts of interest to no end. Since values are inverted, finding ourselves back on the right path requires first a burning desire to see this earthly onslaught come to an end. It is only when our understanding of the crisis deals with the 'greater picture' that Holistic Thinking will come to the rescue. The 'ace in the hole' is that 'knowing' binds all the principles for the greater of all good and will considerably smooth out any turbulence inherent to the transition.

The argument in favor of a Voluntary society doesn't require any PhD, far from the contrary, but access to vital information that gives a full scope of the damage investigated and the ensuing conclusion that responsibility is now each individual's. Our inner balance is now our only safety belt. Embracing the premise of 'Degrowth' during the transition has nothing to do with 'beliefs,' but Emotional Intelligence as Cosmic Principles resonate deep within.

The purpose of our ebook "Money And The Natural Orde" is inteded to not only help shed light on this complex state of affares but free the minds because only free minds will be capable of engineering the Pardigm Shift.